Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Um, that's enough for today, Batman!

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Look, I really appreciated it when you beat up that guy who was trying to mug me. It was kind of nice the way you bought me a cup of coffee afterward to make sure I wasn't too freaked out about the whole thing. And I admit that it was somewhat helpful when you helped me carry in the groceries, walked Freckles for me, checked all of the doors and windows to make sure they were locked, took out the trash, brought the recycling bins up from the curb, and checked all of the doors and windows again.
But seriously man, enough is enough.
I'm flattered that you've taken such an interest in me, but I'm kind of seeing someone. I'm pretty sure I mentioned that a few times. Besides, I've got enough headaches without a brooding vigilante hanging around all day.
So if you could see your way out now, I'd really like that. Don't worry, I'll make sure the door is locked behind you.



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