Thursday, February 08, 2007

Unused body parts? Sell 'em for CASH!

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Don't be the last to take advantage of this amazing offer. Here at Bits4Cash, we pay good money for the one thing that everyone has plenty of - pieces of people!

Not using that other kidney? Sell it for CASH!
What has that spleen ever done for you? Sell it for CASH!
Lost a leg in the war? Sell it for CASH!
Toenail clippings? Sell them for CASH!
You can breathe fine with just one lung! Sell it for CASH!

We even accept parts that don't belong to you, as long as you provide written authorization from the original owner. Authorization requirement waived if original owner is deceased.

So what are you waiting for? Harvest those bits and pieces and sell them for CASH!

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