Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Take the "Are you the shittiest supervisor ever?" quiz today!

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1. At the first sign of trouble I will not hesitate to throw my underlings under the bus to distance myself away from any consequences.

True -1
False -0

2. My gender can only be moderately determined by my hair length.

True -1
False -0

3. I will come into work no matter what horrible disgusting disease I may have, regardless of how uncomfortable my rivers of mucous might make others.

True -1
False -0

4. I'm so scared to make waves or to have anyone notice me that I will cower at any suggestion that might change things from how they've always been done, no matter how much more efficient said suggestion may be.

True -1
False -0

5. The only thing in the world I know how to talk about is the weather.

True -1
False -0


1-5: Congratulations! You suck!
0: You have yet to personally offend me.

(Bad day at work, obviously)



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