Wednesday, February 21, 2007

To the makers of God of War:

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I would like to discuss, if I may, those rotating pillar things with the knives in the Hades level.

You think that shit was funny?!?

Words cannot express my burgeoning rage as Kratos fell to the ground time and time again whenever he would so much as brush a toe against one of the blades. After a game chock full of excellence, you go and pull that cheap ass shit right near the end!!! It took me forever to get past that damn part, and then I made Ares my bitch.

So yeah, I beat the game, and I will probably buy the sequel when it comes out. Be warned though: I did not appreciate those pillars one little bit, and I can be quite influential amongst my army of three readers. Watch it.

-End nerd rant.

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