Friday, November 03, 2006

Little known facts about Paris Hilton

  • Can distend her jaw to devour larger prey such as antelope, ponies, and quadruple-whoppers.
  • Recorded secret bonus track on her debut album Paris consisting of a three and half hour reading of The Communist Manifesto set to looping calliope music.
  • Is the world's leading expert on genital profiling.
  • Tried to eat Courtney Love to "consume her essence," ended up with scabies.
  • Lazy eye is actually a biological early warning system against predators and IRS agents.
  • Forged Nicole Ritchie's existence from one of her ribs to replace the original Ritchie child, who was taken by gypsies in the dead of night.
  • Was the inspiration for the hit "The Purple People Eater" after one of her many trips through time and corporeal manipulation.
  • Penned a series of how to books on taxidermy under the pseudonym "Ernestine Maggie Dior."
  • Only deposits bodily waste once every moon cycle in a specially constructed chamber capable of withstanding a direct nuclear blast or an ambush by a rabid Leeza Gibbons.
  • Coined the term "Cunt Buggies" through her fierce mistrust of the Amish.
  • Will only snort cocaine off the belly of a newborn albino baby.
  • Can beat any man in a Haiku battle, but only if the subject is foot odor or depilatory cream.
  • Sleeps with a blowup Ted Kennedy doll on rainy nights.
  • Voted in Preschool as "Most likely to bring about the fall of humankind."


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