Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Tales of Terrifyingness! "Grandma Always Rings Twice"

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Tom grabbed his wife roughly by the arm and gave her a healthy shake. "Enough with this foolishness Susan, your mother has been dead for three years!"
"I know," Susan sobbed, "But I swear I saw her last night sitting right there in her favorite chair!"
"This is the last I want to hear of this. Now get in the kitchen, dinner should have been ready a half hour ago!" Tom stormed off to his study while Susan shakily moved to prepare dinner.
Later that night, after Tom was sound asleep, Susan crept down the stairs of their modest but appealing three bedroom home. She just had to make sure that she wasn't dreaming the night before. She approached the comfortable easy chair that her mother always loved so much and breathed a sigh of relief to find it empty. "Maybe I am going crazy," she thought to herself. "I better see Dr. Reynolds for more pills." Just as she turned to head back upstairs to bed, a raspy voice called to her from the kitchen. "Susan, honey, is that you? Could you be a dear and help me with this pickle jar?"
Susan shrieked and fainted to the ground. She awoke a few minutes later to Tom's vigorous shaking. "Wake up Susan! Wake up! What in God's name are you doing down here?"
"I saw her!" Susan shrieked hysterically, "My mother was in the kitchen trying to get a pickle!"
Tom slapped her hard across the face, just to calm her down. "I've had it up to here your ridiculous fantasies. First thing tomorrow, I'm taking you to the Shady Acres Mental Health facility to get you checked out!"
Susan protested, but she knew her husband would know the right thing to do. It was impossible for her mother to be in the kitchen, she remembered the funeral vividly. Susan simply must be imaging that she was back to cope with the fact that she still missed her. It couldn't be a ghost, could it?

Will Susan find out that she's losing her mind? Has her dear sweet mother really returned from the grave? Find out next week on Tales of Terrifyingness!



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