Thursday, March 01, 2007

Even more famous last words

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"What this dreary old biker bar needs is a rousing performance of the YMCA!"

"Relax honey, I've picked up dozens of hitchhikers. Look, this one is dressed like a clown!"

"You can't fire the gun after its been underwater. See, look..."

"Now what in the world do you suppose those people are all pointing up in the air and yelling about?"

"Of course its edible. That's why mother nature made it such a bright, attractive color!"

"Sodomize me with a loaded rifle once, shame on you. Sodomize me with a loaded rifle twice, shame on me. Sodomize me with a loaded rifle three times..."

"Those aren't killer bees. Gimme a rock."

"The third rail won't hurt me because I'm wearing rubber underwear."

"If that bear thinks I'm giving up my Hungry Man dinner without a fight, he's got another thing coming!"



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