Monday, April 09, 2007

The most obvious AP news quote of the day

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"Grindhouse" played to big crowds on the East and West coasts but failed to click with audiences in the Midwest and South, Weinstein said.


In all seriousness though, Grindhouse was a hell of a good time. I saw it at the Senator Theater in Baltimore on Saturday and the fairly sizable crowd was hootin' and hollerin' all through the flick (definitely in a good way). The fake trailers really went over big, and they were all great. Sheri Moon Zombie's godawful delivery of that one line in the "Werewolf Women of the SS" trailer was comedy gold. And apparently, I was the only one in the whole theater who found Jordan Ladd's line "Come on my ass!" extremely hilarious. (It makes more sense in context)

What surprised me most was that I actually liked Death Proof better, despite the fact that I'm a rabid zombie movie fan. While I agree that some of the jaw flappin' dragged a little bit, the movie was a truly unique experience that went in a completely different direction than anyone expected. And Zoe Bell really pulls off being hot, goofy, and badass all at the same time.

So if you haven't, please go see "Grindhouse" and help it poo-poo all of the "bomb" labels it has already been slapped with. Otherwise, we will all be stuck with more of the same crap that beat out "Grindhouse" this weekend, like "Are We Done Yet?"


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