Friday, April 06, 2007

Easter Fun Quiz!

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1. Easter is the celebration of:

a. A man's love for another man
b. Dead chicken embryos
c. The time Jesus beat those rich kids in the dance contest and saved the Rec Center

2. Easter is celebrated on:

a. The one day every year when you are allowed out of the basement
b. Uncle Carl's lap
c. The day of our Lord, Sgoggo'th the Devourer

3. Peter Cottontail is the story of:

a. A man's love for another man
b. An omnipotent rodent who watches you when you touch yourself
c. Tupac Shakur

4. The proper Easter dinner always includes:

a. Slave girls
b. Manatee burgers
c. Honey-baked Spam

5. The most popular Easter activity is:

a. Hiding from Jesus
b. Hunting the homeless for sport
c. Taking Mommy to get her Methadone

6. Easter baskets are always full of:

a. Shame
b. Painkillers
c. The heads of the nonbelievers

7. Lent is to Easter as:

a. Marijuana is to Heroin
b. Pain is to pleasure
c. Coke is to Pepsi

8. Jews celebrate Easter by:

a. Hiding from Jesus
b. Counting the annual Peeps profits
c. Complaining about the traffic

9. If you can't make it to Church on Easter, you must always remember to:

a. Remove a limb in atonement
b. Wear your shoes on the wrong feet
c. Chug a brew for the J-Man

10. The most important thing about Easter is:

a. A man's love for another man
b. The body count
c. Sucking up to your rich aunt Hester before she dies

See the answers in next weeks Holocaust Remembrance Day Fun Quiz!

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