Sunday, September 17, 2006

The adventures of Rock Gunderson, Private Eye Pt. 2

Mr. Dryer is either as clean as they come or the slickest mofo on the planet. After tailing him for four days I haven't seen a single foible other than his weird habit of repeatedly returning his Starbuck's cup of whatever until he's satisfied. This guy is as asexual as a piece of lint. So what the hell would possibly make the good Mrs. Dryer suspect infidelity? At $250.00 an hour, I could keep this up forever. But, of course, something doesn't feel right. Usually the client is all over my ass, craving for details despite themselves. Mrs. Dryer? Not a word. That long forgotten bad feeling in my gut makes its presence known way too late. That little voice in the back of my head needs a vocal coach.



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