Friday, September 15, 2006

Remember your Please's and Thank you's!

Please stop dancing like that, it makes my soul hurt.
Thank you, I've never had it in the butt before.
Would you please ask the monkey to keep his voice down?
I'm just fine right here on the floor, thank you.
I would like the baby seal omelet with tartar sauce, please.
Yes thank you, I am interested in a subscription to "Hustler For Kids."
Would you take the spoon out of my esophagus if I said please?
Thank you for the lovely NASCAR commemorative plates, they will look perfect on the mantle next to the pictures of our stillborn son.
Please be aware, any number of fluids might fly out of my body without warning.
I would thank you to keep your petrified rhinoceros penis to yourself.
Please just let me die.
Thank you, I do see that I am a doomed sinner now.


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