Friday, August 25, 2006

Diary of the Dead

The trades have announced that George A. Romero is set to go on his next movie, titled Diary of the Dead. The plot involves a group of college students who are in the woods filming a no-budget horror movie when the zombie uprising begins. The filmmakers decide to cast real zombies in their picture once they realize how slow and easy to herd they are. As in all of the Dead movies, I'm sure this decision will turn out to be a bad idea.
A lot of folks are none too keen on this announcement, some comparing it to the Blair Witch Project. Romero is supposedly independently financing this flick on the cheap outside of the studio system and shooting it on DV.
I, for one, think it sounds pretty damn interesting. I still have yet to fall in love with Land of the Dead as I've only seen it twice (and only once sober), but there are moments and ideas that I really liked. I shall remain optimistic, its hard to doubt the master. At least when it comes to zombie movies.


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