Friday, August 10, 2007

Movie Review - Rush Hour 3

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by Tyler Pendleton, Age 8

For his every-other-weekend visit, Daddy took me to see Rush Hour 3 today. It was way funnier than the other two, because there was lots more bad words and hitting. Daddy let me watch the other movies on his big tv before, and there were no bad words! Bad words always make a movie funnier.
In Rush Hour 3, the brown man and the Chinese man from the other movies team up again after the brown man gets in trouble with the mean police chief. The chief sends the brown man to France for punishment where he meets up with the Chinese man, who is after some bad guys that came there from China. My sister cried when the bad guys were on the screen, but she stopped when daddy said he was going to make her wait in the car. My daddy doesn't like my sister very much, because she always wants to tag along when he picks me up even though he isn't her daddy.
The brown man does some funny things, like fighting a big giant Chinese man in orange pajamas, and saying bad words. The Chinese man does lots of flips and kicks people, and sometimes tries to say things but everyone laughs because they can't understand him.
Rush Hour 3 was way funnier than Shrek 3, because it had more bad words. Even daddy laughed a little bit after he added the magic potion from the bottle in his pocket to his soda cup. If you like bad words and people getting kicked a lot, Rush Hour 3 is the perfect movie for you!

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