Monday, July 02, 2007

The Emergency Room is the 10th Circle of Hell

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Because I'm retarded, I decided to go to the E.R. to have my knee checked out nearly two weeks after injuring it while shooting pool, of all things. The knee was still bothering me after all this time despite the care measures I had been taking, so I wanted to make sure I didn't really mess myself up. Of course, after tests and X-Rays they confirmed that I had not seriously damaged anything, and that I should continue doing what I have been doing. Three hours for nothing. At least the X-Ray woman was pretty hot, although she had me in a few less than dignified positions. A couple of thoughts:

To the lady with the back spasms that kept screaming and moaning and generally making everyone uncomfortable - sorry it took them so long to do anything but honestly, were you really in that much pain? There have been births that had less drama.

And to the girl who kept staggering around the waiting room clutching her stomach while her mom kept asking if she had to throw up - thank you for not throwing up.



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