Monday, November 19, 2007

NaNoWriMo Day 19

Word Count: 32,051


I am sleeping fitfully when the door to the cell opens with a creak. Xu nods in my direction and two of his guards come into the cell and drag me out by the arms. I, of course, don’t make it easy and kick and scream as best I can. Poor Joseph tries to stop them but gets a rifle butt in the stomach for his trouble. They slam the door on Joseph and drag me down the hall. The room they bring me to is bright, which is a huge contrast to the dank of the rest of the underground bunker. I guess they use all the juice for the lights in this room. Xu personally cuffs my hands behind my back and puts me against the wall, telling me that his guests arrived unexpectedly early. Seconds later a grotesquely fat Arab man comes in and leers at me in a way that makes me sick to my stomach. Behind him is another Arab man, this one hard and mean looking. I am almost blind with panic but I try not to let them know how scared I am. Xu tells the Arab men to feel free to inspect the package, which unfortunately they immediately move to do just that. The fat one leans in uncomfortably close and smells my hair with a huge snort, eliciting a gag from my throat.

The hard one pulls a large knife from his belt and I let a little peep of fear escape from my lips. He holds the point of the knife under my chin and stares in my eyes, which must be as wide as hubcaps. Apparently satisfied, he then lowers the knife and cuts right through my shirt, all the way down from neck to bottom. The ripped shirt falls from my shoulders and catches on my shackled arms. Next, he brings the knife to my sports bra and splits it open as well. I’ve never been very shy about my body, hell I used to strip for extra cash, but standing here with these men and Xu looking greedily at my breasts makes me feel more exposed than I ever have in my life. The fat man then approaches me and starts fumbling with my belt, and I am all out whimpering at this point. Xu’s eyes show complete joy, as if this is the perfect victory he has craved all this time. The fat man gets my pants open and pulls both them and my panties down to my feet. I can’t help it but to start bawling like a baby as I stand there naked before these strange men.

The fat man is groping me, roughly squeezing pretty much every sensitive area on my body, and I try to go completely numb. The hard man has a quiet conversation with Xu, then hands him a wad of bills. He whistles at the fat man, who looks disappointed but finally leaves me alone to retrieve something from outside of the room. He comes back in with a Muslim-style black hooded robe, and asks Xu to uncuff me so he can put it on. Xu does so cheerfully, and grabs me hard so I don’t try anything while the fat man pulls my shoes and socks off and takes the pants the rest of the way off. He then drapes the robe over my head and I am immeasurably thankful to be covered up once again.

They recuff me and the Arab men thank Xu before pushing me ahead of them into the hallway. General Xu says goodbye cheerfully, and I promise to myself that if I ever manage to get away I will gouge his eyes out with my fingernails. So this is it, I have been made into a slave and I will never see the people I love for the rest of my guaranteed to be miserable life. I choke down a sob, determined not to let these bastards see me cry ever again. They can do whatever they will to my body but I won’t let them break me. At least, I hope not.

They lead me out of the bunker and we start walking up a large hill. There is a clearing before too long and a small helicopter sits under the guard of another Arab. He smiles when he sees me, although all he can see is my eyes so I don’t know what he’s so happy about. Maybe he’s just glad I’m not a fatty. I wonder if I would have cost less then, or if they even would have wanted me at all. Dammit, if only I lead an unhealthier, less active lifestyle, I wouldn’t be in this mess. They push me into the helicopter, and the fat man sits next to me in the back row of seats. He forces me to rest my head on his lap and I am wondering if my teeth are strong enough to bite his dick off through his pants when the copter spins up and takes off for parts and horrors unknown.

The flight is short, surprisingly so, and we touch down with a bump that I think rattles my skull painfully into the fat one’s crotch. Score one for me. They pull me from the helicopter like a piece of luggage and the hard one snaps a collar and leash around my neck. Oh fuck that. Seeing the anger in my eyes, he yanks on the leash hard, and I nearly fall on my face with a startled choke. The three men all chuckle at this while I quietly seethe. One of them takes the handcuffs off and the hard one orders me to my knees like a dog. When I don’t immediately comply, he punches me in the stomach, hard, and to my knees I go, gasping for air. He orders me to crawl and I’m not really in a position to refuse so off we go, across the concrete into a building where chaos seems to be the theme. There are shouts and whoops all around me but keep my eyes on the floor because I am so humiliated. Someone slaps my ass and I hear the fat one laughing behind me. The tears threaten to come back again but I hold them off, barely. We stop and I finally look up to see the round behind of another girl on her knees in front of me, and another in front of her, and so on for a line of at least fifteen other abducted women. At the front of the line, an elderly man in a wheelchair watches as each girl is picked up and stripped once more, nodding his approval after inspecting each one. This goes on for a few more crying girls until he shakes his head callously at one for reasons I can’t immediately fathom, and she is dragged off wailing and begging to the far corner of the room where a large man shoots her right in the head without hesitation. A loud cry goes out from the girls in front of me, I’m sure each is scared to death as I am about what might get them put down the same way. They drag her nude body out of the large room through a side door and the inspections continue as if nothing happened.

Thankfully, no one else gets the thumbs down and when it is my turn, I am relived that I meet his approval. His eyes are so cold, he looks at my body like it is a cut of beef. He never even looks at my face. Once approved, they put the robe back on me and take me through a door in the back. The fat man gets one more good grope on me before they shove me into a pen with dozens of hysterical women. The line is seemingly in a constant state of renewal, girls keep coming in. Over the course of maybe half an hour we hear one more gunshot, which makes everyone jump and start wailing even louder. I huddle in a corner by myself, trying to block out all of the emotions and sense of hopelessness that threaten to overcome me. Finally, the show seems to end and they close up the pen. We are almost elbow-to-elbow in here, I hope this isn’t a long term thing. I can’t imagine where anyone will go to the bathroom. Everyone eventually calms down to sniffling whimpers, for which I am grateful. One can only hear women crying for so long before it threatens to make you go crazy. I close my eyes and pray to any deity who will listen that I somehow manage to get myself out of this mess.


I feel so lost without Candy, the reality of my possible impending death comes crashing down hard and I have no one to comfort me. I’ve been pacing around the cell nervously for what seems like hours. I really wish I had some way to keep track so I would know how long I have left. I’ve been fearfully wondering just how they plan on doing the deed if payment doesn’t come through. I figure it will probably be some sort of firing squad type of deal, them being military, but that Xu seems like a sadistic son of a bitch and I shudder to think what nasty things he might come up with. I just hope it doesn’t hurt, that my death is quick and easy.

These thoughts are doing nothing to ease my muddled mind. I am trembling uncontrollably so I sit down and try to compose myself. A almost jump a full foot into the air when the door unlocks with a clang and opens slowly. A smallish Arab man pokes his head in and looks at me, looks back out into the hall, then frantically motions for me to follow him. I sit there stupidly for a second, wondering if this is a trick. He widens his eyes in exasperation and nods his head in the other direction. I decide that no matter what, following him has got to be better than sitting here waiting to die, so I jump up and go. He leads me through the bunker, with some heart-stopping close calls around patrolling guards, and we crawl out of a hatch in the wall that leads us to the outside. I can’t believe I am free just like that. He leads me to a trail and we scurry off in the dark. Man, I wish I could see Xu’s face when he opens the cell and sees that I am gone.

There is a jeep parked by itself after around two miles down the trail and my savior hops into the driver’s seat. I jump in the passenger side and he starts her up and tears off. We still haven’t exchanged a single word, and I haven’t even considered the fact that I may be running into a situation worse than the one I just escaped from. This nagging feeling gets stronger when I realize he is driving me back into town. I try to ask where we’re headed but he makes a sign for me to be quiet so I sit there getting very nervous. We weave through the streets while I consider jumping out of the jeep at the first opportunity. He pulls up to a building with a guardhouse and I figure I’m screwed once again. The guard recognizes him straight away and opens the gate. We pull up to a drab building and he jumps out, so I have no choice but to follow. Out of the frying pan, into a god damned volcano.



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