Saturday, August 12, 2006

Foiled Again!

Goddam NetFlix. I'm sure many subscribers out there know about the recent lack of continuity service-wise. That, or they just enjoy fucking with me personally. You never know anymore what exactly in your queue picks are going to make it out of the digital realm and into your mailbox. My most recent case in point: a little movie called Feed.
Feed first came to my attention while browsing one day when I came across a banner ad for the film on What caught my eye about this particular banner (and if you know me this should be no surprise whatsoever) was the quote from Fangoria magazine stating "The sickest movie I've ever seen." Now hell, I'm never one to resist such a challenge, so I whipped it up on the ol' IMDB. The description read: Plot Outline: A cybercrime investigator tracks a man (O'Loughlin) suspected of force-feeding women to death.
Um, fuck yes I need to see this. My coworker, upon hearing my evil laughter after I read the aforementioned plot synopsis, asked what the hubbub was all about. I relayed it all to him and told him I was all over it...and he flipped the hell out.
So of course I slapped this potentially wonderful work of deviant art right up at the top of my queue and returned the movies I had from the previous week.
And wouldn't you know it, Feed went from "Available Now" to "Long Wait" in the span of 24 hours. So there are other films that I want to see heading to my mailbox on the pony express as I speak. But damn, I am really looking forward to Feed. A full report is soon to follow.


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